all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 5AP 17 0 52.215371 -0.071469
CB23 5AR 12 0 52.216987 -0.069716
CB23 5AS 13 0 52.216848 -0.070512
CB23 5AT 11 0 52.216292 -0.070639
CB23 5AU 7 0 52.216247 -0.070085
CB23 5AW 25 0 52.215538 -0.071843
CB23 5AX 1 1 52.217538 -0.070966
CB23 5BH 70 0 52.213871 -0.07433
CB23 5BL 25 0 52.21736 -0.068836
CB23 5BN 47 0 52.216874 -0.079295
CB23 5BP 13 0 52.214095 -0.072096
CB23 5BQ 13 0 52.215653 -0.072819
CB23 5DG 24 0 52.218258 -0.079235
CB23 5DJ 12 0 52.216267 -0.084532
CB23 5DQ 5 0 52.218287 -0.07717
CB23 5DR 36 0 52.21631 -0.08333
CB23 5DX 18 0 52.217627 -0.079731
CB23 5DZ 10 0 52.217874 -0.077773
CB23 5EB 44 0 52.215229 -0.082088
CB23 5ED 56 0 52.215456 -0.082767